
The CONS 506 Design in Architectural Conservation course Final Jury was held on Thursday, January 30 at 09:00 in Kubbealtı.

Within the studio's scope, Ayvalık Cumhuriyet School, a social memory space that connects generations in the 2024-2025 Fall semester, was studied.

By evaluating the data obtained, a Survey Project that includes the construction technique, material properties, and deterioration problems of the structure, a Restitution Project that covers the architectural features of the structure in different periods, and four separate Restoration Project proposals that include architectural solutions in different details in line with the demands and wishes of the graduates were developed.

With the local coordination support of Ayvalık Urban Studies Association, a close communication environment was established with the graduates and participation and ownership of the project was ensured.

For these valuable contributions to be increased and shared, a presentation titled "A Collective Memory Space Bringing Generations Together: Ayvalık Cumhuriyet School" will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 17:00.

Zoom link:

Last Updated:
15/02/2025 - 12:52